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What are self defense classes?

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If knowledge is power then taking self defense classes provides you with a super power. Self defense is an essential skill everyone should learn. This Combat Athlete Gear blog post talks about what self defense classes are. It’ll also give you answers to frequently asked questions about self defense classes. Let’s started with what self defense classes are, what you can expect, and more.

What are self defense classes & how can you benefit from them?

PC: Andres Ayrton

Self defense classes teach you how to defend yourself from an attacker. Depending on the type of class you take, you can learn how to deal with different threats and scenarios such as weapons and hand-to-hand combat situations. It’s up to you do the research to figure out what self-defense curriculum is best for you and your needs. It may not be a bad idea for you to take trial classes at different places that offer self-defense lessons to find what works for you.

“Self defense is not just a set of techniques, it’s a state of mind that begins with the belief that you are worth defending”

Rorion Gracie

The knowledge you gain helps you increase your survival rate in a bad situation where your physical safety is threatened. Good self-defense instructors will cover a range of topics including when to run and when to fight. They’ll also teach you what to be aware of in different scenarios and how to handle yourself when your safety is threatened. Now that you have an idea of what to expect, move on!

Here are a handful of benefits you receive from consistent self-defense training:

Benefits of learning self defense

Learning self-defense is worth your time and energy! The benefits you receive from self-defense will help you improve your overall quality of life. Check out these perks you receive from learning self-defense:

  • More self-confidence: Learning to do challenging things helps you gain a better understanding of who you are and what you’re capable of. Self-defense classes that give you the chance to test your skills against a resisting opponent help will give you real feedback on your abilities. You’ll find yourself improving over time which results in greater self-confidence.
  • Improved physical fitness: Fighting for your life isn’t easy. As a result, the physicality of self-defense classes can help you get in better shape. You’ll also know how to move your body more efficiently in times of need.
  • More friends: There’s nothing like growing your circle of connections! Consistently training in a martial art that teaches self-defense helps you make new friends. It’s easy to expand your community when you’re regularly doing hard things with other people.
  • You gain new skills: Taking self-defense classes gives you the chance to acquire new abilities. The new skills you gain will also help you be better at problem solving in other areas of your life due to the neural connections you make from training.

From greater self-confidence to acquiring new skills, there’s more to self-defense than just learning how to throw a punch. Why not add more to your life like great friends and better health? All of these benefits can be yours as you start to train!

Frequently asked questions about self defense education

PC: RODNAE Productions

Q: Can learning self defense help me with my physical fitness?

A: Yes. Especially if you train in a martial art for life, self defense classes can help you improve your physical health. Martial arts will teach you movements that assist with your breathing, flexibility, and help you strengthen your body. Overtime, you will get stronger and your ability to move your body in ways that you need to will get better. You’ll be amazed at the changes in your abilities and techniques when you compare your growth in 3 months vs. your first day training. Consistent training help you be more athletic and confident.

Q: How do I know if the self defense techniques I’m learning works?

A: One of the best ways to know if what you’re learning is out of touch with reality to pressure test your techniques. For example, you won’t know if the punching techniques you’re learning works until you spar. The same goes for any hand-to-hand techniques that don’t involve weapons such as knives and guns. Our advice is to not skip every opportunity to spar and test your abilities.

Q: Are self defense classes safe?

A: Like all things related to using your body in a physical context, there is some risk of injury involved with self defense classes. However, having the right instructors can help you manage that risk in a way that allows you to safely train. It’s important to listen to their instructions and do your best to practice proper techniques.

Go train!

This is your sign to start training in a combat sport! Martial arts such as judo and boxing help you learn self-defense. One of our goals here at Combat Athlete Gear is to help you accomplish your goals through the combat sport of your choice. Whether you choose grappling, striking, or MMA, we have you covered with the best combat sports gear for your needs.

Visit the Combat Athlete Gear shop today!

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