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What is brazilian jiu jitsu?

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If you’re reading this Combat Athlete Gear article, you want to learn more about the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling system that teaches someone to survive and possibly defeat a bigger, stronger, more aggressive opponent. BJJ practitioners learn how to take… Read More »What is brazilian jiu jitsu?

woman working boxing coach

What is boxing?

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Boxing is a standup striking art also known as pugilism where fighters only use their hands to strike each other. Boxing is one of the most popular combat sports in the world and one of the most popular sports in general. There are gyms around the globe from… Read More »What is boxing?

judo throw

What is judo?

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Judo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world thanks to its effectiveness, health benefits, and self-defense applications. Judoka (judo practitioners) can be found all around the world from Cameroon to France to Brazil. In this Combat Athlete Gear blog post, you will learn more… Read More »What is judo?

woman front kicking man

What are combat sports?

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Boxing, judo, and Muay Thai are all real examples of combat sports. Combat sports almost always have a self-defense aspect to them while being adaptable for competitive settings. Combat sports like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are practiced by people all around the world for different reasons. Some people want… Read More »What are combat sports?