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5 physical conditioning tips for combat sports

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Getting in shape for combat sports can be tough when you don’t know what to do. This Combat Athlete Gear blog post covers 10 physical conditioning tips for combat sports that will help you be the best you can be. Being in great shape enables you to focus more on improving your technique and focus while sparring/competing. Before we cover the 10 physical conditioning tips for combat sports, let’s cover what combat sports are for people unfamiliar with the term.

What are combat sports?

Combat sports are the sport-aspect of martial arts. Martial arts, at their core, are focused on self-defense. Combat sports enable martial arts to compete in an organized environment that can have the following: referees, judges, scorekeepers, medics, coaches, and fans. Combat athletes (fighters) participate in combat sports to test their skills and see how they measure up when compared to their peers.

What are combat athletes?

Combat athletes are anyone who competes in a combat sport like boxing, Muay Thai, judo, MMA, and karate. These athletes train for varying periods of time in their respective arts in order to improve. Fitness and conditioning is a major part of the combat athlete journey. Without proper conditioning, it’s tough to compete and be at your best every day. Here’s a quick list of some of the top combat sports athletes in the world:

5 physical conditioning tips for combat sports

PC: Anastase Maragos

Below are 5 physical conditioning tips you can use for combat sports! Start implementing them to get the results you deserve.

  1. Sleep: Getting proper rest leads to better memory retention of what you’re learning in class. You also recover at a faster rate when you get enough sleep. Sleep empowers your bones, ligaments, and muscles to heal and get stronger.
  2. Don’t skip cardio: Your aerobic capacity matters. Activities like running, swimming, and hiking will help you lower your working heart rate. Having better cardio also means you can focus more on your technique when training.
  3. Strength training matters: Anyone who says strength doesn’t matter is saying it because they’re weak. Yes, technique can trump strength but an individual’s technique has to be significantly higher when the opponent is noticeably stronger. Whether it’s exercise bands, free weights, or calisthenics, don’t skip strength training.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day helps you be at your best. Your body needs water to do everything from helping your brain function to getting rid of waste.
  5. Fuel your body: You need to food to perform so don’t skip meals! Eat nutritious meals that give you the calories and nutrients you need to fight. Food like eggs, bananas, and sweet potatoes can help you feel full and energized. Find ways to get in protein, carbohydrates, and more that you’ll enjoy eating.

One of the best things about improving your physical conditioning is you have complete control over your progress. Be intentional about your training and you’ll gradually begin to be in better shape. Conditioning requires consistent training over time which you’re completely capable of making a reality.

3 benefits of being in peak physical shape for combat sports

PC: Dylan Nolte

Now that you’ve read physical conditioning tips for combat sports, it’s important you’re aware of the benefits. Not knowing the benefits of physical conditioning may not make you as motivated to put in the work. Check out three of the benefits you’ll receive by being in shape:

  1. More energy: There’s nothing like the filling of having a gas tank that can carry you through the later rounds in the gym and in competition. More energy as a result of physical conditioning is empowering. You’ll be able to regularly push your limits and be at your best on a more consistent basis.
  2. Injury prevention: Investing in your physical conditioning helps you be more aware of your body’s capabilities. You’ll have a better understanding of what you’re truly capable of which will allow you to train more intelligently. Being in shape will also allow your body to handle tough training sessions.
  3. Improve mental focus: When you’re gassed, it’s tough to focus on the moment. By achieving peak fitness, you can be more invested mentally and emotionally in every training session and competition scenario. You will feel freer to express yourself as a fighter and athlete.

Keep in mind that these benefits are all for you to experience! As long as you put in the work, you’ll begin to reap the benefits of physical conditioning. For more tips, we recommend you work with your coaches for sport-specific advice. Doing so will help you stay on track and be focused for each training session and competition.

Physical Conditioning training ideas from MMA fighters

There’s nothing like learning from some of the best MMA fighters in the world. Here are videos demonstrating conditioning insights from some of the best MMA fighters to ever step in the cage.

GSP shares eating and training insights

Watch Amanda Nunes workout for MMA

Go train!

Now that you have a better idea of how to improve your conditioning game, it’s time to train! Begin by setting smaller goals that contribute to your ultimate goal. Regularly setting and achieving attainable goals will build your confidence over time and help you become the best fighter you can be.

Do you have any insights for the Combat Athlete gear community? Let us know in the comments below!

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