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5 reasons why you need to begin combat sports training in 2024

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It’s not too early to get started with your personal and fitness goals for 2024! Combat sports training is one of the best things you can do for yourself. There is a wide range of benefits that come from learning self-defense training that can also be used in a sports context. As a full disclaimer, this website is an Amazon Associate that earns from qualifying purchases.

Now let’s get on with the article that talks about what you want to learn more about regarding the reasons you’d want to get into combat sports training.

What constitutes a combat sport?

Before we dive into the benefits of combat sports training, let’s cover what a combat sport is. Not everyone is familiar with the world of combat sports so going over the basics helps.

Combat sports are typically sports with a martial arts background that have a ruleset tailored towards organized competition. This usually involves one-on-one combat according to Wikipedia. Some of the combat sports you may have heard of include Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, Savate, and Greco-Roman Wrestling. The winner is typically determined by one of the following depending on the ruleset: points, knockouts, technical knockouts, and submissions.

5 reasons why you need to begin combat sports training in 2024

Now that you have a better understanding of what combat sports is, let’s go over your why. There are extremely chill hobbies like aquascaping and completing jigsaw puzzles. And then there are more intense hobbies that have a degree of risk involved like combat sports. But don’t let the risk stop you. Here are 5 reasons why you need combat sports training in your goals for the new year.

Reason 1: you want to be in Better physical health

Making combat sports a part of your life is a great way to get in great physical shape. It’s tough to improve as a combat sports athlete when you’re not taking care of your physical health. As you make combat sports a part of your life, you’ll have a greater desire to do the simple things like drink water, eat nutritious food, and get enough sleep.

Over time, you’ll feel yourself get stronger. Your flexibility will improve along with other key attributes of fighting like agility, coordination, and footwork.

Reason 2: Improved mental health is a goal of yours

One thing you’ll find about the combat sports world is how many participants believe in the inner peace they find from training. There’s something meditative about working on your martial arts skills. Drills and sparring can often be an experience where one finds themselves in the zone.

Grappling and striking provide a healthy outlet for people to push themselves and express their inner feelings in a way they typically cannot. You can push yourself in every class to be better than the day before. As you improve, your confidence will increase. This is a natural result of consistent training and pressure testing which you’ll greatly benefit from.

Reason 3: you seek a Greater ability to problem-solve

A major benefit of learning new skills is your brain’s ability to make new neurological connections. As a result, your ability to problem-solve in your everyday life improves. Combat sports condition your brain to deal with problems that are literally standing right in front of you. There’s something about dealing with an opponent looking to break you down and you stepping up to the occasion.

Reason 4: New friends and community is something you’re searching for

Something every long-time martial artist can agree on is the friends you make through combat sports training are some of the best friends you’ll ever have. There’s something about the bond that forms between you and others you do difficult things with. Pushing yourself and your teammates to make it through a workout or a competition creates memories for you all to share with each other. It’s a huge part of what makes combat sports special.

Reason 5: you need a Healthy outlet for emotions

Combat sports are a safe place to express your feelings of frustration. Everyone needs a healthy way to unwind after a long day at work. While combat sports aren’t therapy, they can be therapeutic for you due to the exercise component. Exercise helps you improve your mental health by boosting your mood and helping you think more clearly.

What type of gear do you need to get started in combat sports?

Why do we bother answering this question about gear needed for combat sports? This is because most people make an excuse saying they don’t know what to wear. This quick list helps take away excuses from you.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gear

Let’s begin with one of the more popular grappling arts which is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If you’re looking to do Gi classes, here’s a quick list of Gis for you to choose from:

Elite Sports BJJ Gi for Men: This Gi is a classic budget-friendly choice. It’s a comfortable fit and is a great option for hobbyists.

Elite Sports Ultra-Light Women’s BJJ Gi: These Gis are designed specifically for women. They’re durable, comfortable, and can handle training and competition.

Boxing Gear

Boxing is a popular combat sport that many choose to do for fitness reasons and to develop self-defense skills. Below are items you can count on as you begin your boxing journey.

Everlast Elite Pro Style Training Gloves, Black 16-oz: This is a great pair of boxing gloves for less than $50. It won’t break the bank and will help you gain the momentum you need to learn the sweet science.

Hayabusa S4 Boxing Gloves for Men & Women: This pair of gloves costs more than the gloves previously mentioned but they’re known for premium protection and comfort. Its durability and fit are attributes you’ll love.

Start training and experience the reasons why people do combat sports!

Now that you have some key motivations in mind, it’s time to begin your combat sports journey. Stay posted for future blog posts on helping you be the best combat athlete you can be.

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